Welcoming You
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our webpage. I am pleased to inform you that we have resumed in person worship on Sunday mornings. However, if you are not ready to return yet, you can still join us on Sundays via Facebook Live. Just click on the Engage + Connect button on our homepage and then click the Join Us on Facebook button. Our services still start at 10:25 a.m. We have sorely miss being able to gather in person. It is great to see each other, worship, and fellowship together. Take advantage of our Prayer Request link too. You will also find it on the homepage. We are praying for all of you asking for God’s mercy and help in these difficult times.
Yours with Christ,
Rev. Charles Bowdler
Briarwood responds to the call to love our neighbors by feeding hungry children through our Backpack Buddy program, assembling cleanup kits for disaster victims, and packaging thousands of meals for the poor in the third world.
Worship Services at Briarwood are primarily at 10:25 am on Sundays and are centered on the Bible, timely and meaningful sermons, congregational singing, and excellent music. Children are invited to participate in “Young Disciples Time.” The Lord’s Supper is celebrated once a month. During the seasons of Lent, Easter, and Advent there are additional opportunities for worship.
About BPC
Briarwood is all about Christian community. We seek to make a relationship with God the most important thing in our lives. We celebrate each other’s joys and care for each other in times of need. We pray for each other for God’s gracious will to be done. We work together to meet needs in the community.

Briarwood Presbyterian Church has a heart and soul for Missions and is engaged in numerous outreach ministries locally, nationally and internationally. We support local ministries of compassion and transformation by donating money and providing volunteers for area ministries.
Worship Services at Briarwood are primarily at 10:25 am on Sundays and are centered on biblical scriptures, timely and meaningful sermons, congregational prayers and good music, from both congregation and choir. Children are invited to participate in “Young Disciples Time” near the beginning of the service.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at a minimum of once a month. During the major seasons of the church year ( Advent, Lenten, and Easter) there are special worship services and study opportunities .