Prayer Ministries
Briarwood Presbyterian Church Prayer Ministries
At Briarwood Presbyterian Church we believe in the power of prayer. One of the great benefits of belonging to our church is the prayers offered, especially in time of need or crisis. We are a family of faith, and we pray for each other regularly. Every Monday at 1:30 p.m. our Congregational Care group meets to pray for the needs of the congregation and their families and friends. We also send cards reassuring people of our concern for them and assuring them of our prayer support.
We also pray for the Jackson-Metro area. Every Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. we meet at Beagle Bagel in Highland Village for breakfast, fellowship, and to pray for the leaders and citizens of the Jackson-Metro area. We pray extemporaneously, as people feel led by the Spirit, and we end with our “Prayer for the City.”
Prayer for the City
Heavenly Father, we come before you to pray for the Jackson-Metro area, its citizens, and our church. O Lord, we ask You to bless our Mayor, the City Council, and all who are in positions of authority over us. Grant, in Your mercy, that their actions will create a community where violence is restrained, peace and order are maintained, virtue and true religion are encouraged, and proper, honorable conduct that is worthy of respect is normalized.
We pray for the citizens of the Jackson-Metro area, especially those who do not know, love, or serve the Lord Jesus Christ. We know that You desire their salvation; You want them to know the truth that there is one mediator between human beings and God: The Lord Jesus Christ. O God help us to love them as You love them and to herald Your good news when we are given the opportunity.
Finally, we pray for our church. Heavenly Father, You have taught us not to worry about anything but to make our requests known to You. We ask You to send to our congregation men, women, and children who need a spiritual home, people we can love and disciple in the way of Jesus Christ. We ask this for their welfare and for ours. We desire to be useful in Your service and bear fruit that lasts to eternal life.
Almighty and merciful God, we offer up these prayers through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Prayer for the World, Our Nation, and Our State
Heavenly Father, help us to find our way in these trying times. We ask You to bless all elected officials whom You have placed in positions of authority over us. Help them to be Your servants for our good. We thank You for our God-given rights and our constitutional republic that protects them. Deliver us all from the endless cycle of reproach and recrimination that is tearing our society apart.
O Lord, pour out your Spirit upon us as a people to transform our hearts to love what is good and to hate what is evil. Grant, in Your mercy, that the combined efforts of leaders and citizens alike will create communities where violence is restrained, peace and order are maintained, virtue and true religion are encouraged, and proper, honorable conduct that is worthy of respect is normalized.
Almighty and merciful God, we offer up these prayers through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord and Savior. Amen.