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Our Blog
Do Not be Alarmed
Do Not Be Alarmed Mark 16:1-8 What are you missing the most since the Shelter-in-Place order went into effect three weeks ago? I suppose it depends upon your stage in life. Children miss going to school, seeing their friends and teachers. Older youth may not miss...
read moreThe Good News of the End of the World
The Good News of the End of the World Mark 13:1-8, 24-37 What does the future hold for us? This question has been on all our minds. How long will the pandemic last? How many people will be infected and die from the virus? Will our own Jackson-metro area become a...
read morePraying the Lord’s Prayer During the Pandemic
For the Facing of this Hour There have been a lot of posts on Facebook asking people to pray the Lord’s Prayer. It is most appropriate in this time of trouble. The Lord’s Prayer is a misnomer in some respects. It is actually the Disciples’ Prayer. Jesus gave it to the...
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